لماذا نستخدم الإعلان الأصلي؟ 10 أسباب مدعومة بالبيانات للإعلان الأصلي

في المشهد الرقمي اليوم، حيث يتنقل الجميع باستمرار بين الأجهزة المختلفة، يصبح الإعلان الأصلي أداة رئيسية لإشراك جمهورك بشكل كامل.

It's crucial for marketers who want to stay updated with the evolving internet habits of consumers.

But the big question is, does it work?

One major factor that advertisers consider before spending money on any marketing channel is its effectiveness.

We've compiled ten straightforward, research-based reasons why incorporating native advertising into your next digital campaign is a smart move.

This guide is designed to ensure your advertisements resonate effectively with your audience, making every connection count.

Data-Backed Benefits of Using Native Advertising

1. Enhanced Click-Through Rates (CTRs)

Native advertising outshines traditional display ads, consistently delivering higher click-through rates (CTRs).

This superior performance is attributed to their non-intrusive format and seamless integration with user experience, particularly on mobile devices where they are viewed 53% more frequently than display ads.

Recent data highlights their effectiveness, showing that native ads can generate 5 to 10 times higher CTRs compared to more aggressive marketing approaches.

This increased engagement translates into significant advantages for advertisers aiming to capture the attention of their audience effectively.

2. Results Amplification

Native advertising provides a scalable solution for brands seeking long lasting results.

It serves as an excellent alternative in an era where traditional social media ads face algorithm changes that reduce the visibility of business content.

A native ad platform enables brands to distribute their ads across a vast network of publisher sites, ensuring their messages reach the intended audience in a contextually relevant manner.

This scalability is crucial for brands aiming to maintain and amplify their market presence amidst the shifting dynamics of online advertising.

3. Cost Efficiency

The efficiency of native ads isn't just about higher engagement; it also encompasses economic benefits.

With their higher CTRs, native ads drive down the cost per click (CPC) and, consequently, the cost per customer acquisition.

Campaigns that last over six months are notably more cost-efficient, offering an average CPC reduction of 36.4%.

This cost-effectiveness is a testament to the sustainable value native advertising can offer over extended periods, maximizing the return on investment for marketers.

4. Consumer Preferences

The preference for native advertising over more traditional forms of advertising is becoming clearer.

Consumers consider native ads to be the least intrusive form of advertising, which enhances their overall online experience.

Research has shown that users allocate 53% more attention to native advertising compared to banner ads.

This preference is crucial for advertisers to note, as it directly impacts how effectively their advertising budgets are spent.

By aligning with consumer preferences, advertisers can ensure that their messages are more likely to be received positively, leading to better campaign outcomes​.

5. Leveraging First-Party Data Intelligence

Native advertising provides a unique advantage by allowing advertisers to accumulate and leverage first-party data from their campaigns.

Unlike relying solely on social media platforms, where data might be confined within their ecosystems, native advertising platforms enable advertisers to use data from previous campaigns to refine and optimize future ones.

This iterative process means that each new campaign can be more targeted and effective, building on the successes and learnings of the past.

6. Advanced Targeting Capabilities

Native advertising stands out for its sophisticated targeting options. Advertisers can utilize a variety of targeting strategies including contextual, demographic, psychographic, location-based, device-based, and intent-based targeting.

For instance, a brand can specifically target specific locations, reaching people who are in immediate need of their service.

Personalization is increasingly important, as evidenced by data showing that 71% of consumers prefer ads that are aligned with their interests and shopping habits.

This personalized approach, particularly through native advertising, is essential for engaging potential customers effectively.

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7. Simplified Attribution

Attribution in advertising means figuring out which ads or marketing steps lead people to buy something or take action. It helps marketers know what's working well.

One of the key benefits of native advertising is the ease of conversion attribution.

Unlike other regular advertising formats, native advertising simplifies the process of attributing conversions, which are typically measured post-click.

This means that advertisers can directly link their ads to concrete actions taken by users, such as signing up, filling out a form, or making a purchase.

Research has shown that native ads are viewed 53% more than display ads and can result in a substantial increase in purchase intent.

This is likely because native ads don't disrupt the user experience and are often perceived as more trustworthy and relevant content.

Long-term native advertising campaigns are found to be more cost-effective, with campaigns running for more than six months showing a significantly lower average cost per click than shorter campaigns.

These insights suggest that native advertising not only simplifies the attribution process by closely tracking user engagement post-click but also underscores the format's effectiveness in resonating with audiences and driving meaningful interactions.

8. Non-Disruptive and Highly Engaging Adverts

Studies highlight that 70% of consumers prefer learning about brands through content rather than traditional advertising.

Native ads are designed to blend with the page content, offering a smooth and engaging user experience.

They mimic the look and feel of the editorial flow, leading users to engage more deeply with the content.

This seamless integration ensures that users are more attentive and receptive, enhancing the likelihood of converting interest into action.

The time spent on content post-click is similar to regular site engagement, provided the content is valuable and engaging.

9. Increased Brand Loyalty

Native advertising boosts brand loyalty by letting brands weave their stories easily within the content that audiences already enjoy.

This approach ensures the ads are engaging and relevant, strengthening the consumer's connection with the brand.

Notably, consumers show a preference for this less intrusive form of advertising, and when done correctly, native ads can lead to a significant increase in brand trust and customer engagement.

The success of native ads is reflected in their effectiveness, with data indicating they are viewed more frequently and are perceived as more trustworthy than traditional ads.

This aligns with the increasing consumer preference for content that provides value, blending naturally with their browsing experience.

10. Market Growth and Adoption

The native advertising market is on a significant upswing, with forecasts indicating it might balloon to a $650 billion industry by 2032.

This remarkable growth is a testament to the industry's acknowledgment of how effectively native ads resonate with audiences, offering a more authentic and engaging user experience.

The increasing investment and interest from marketers suggest a broader industry shift towards ad formats that are more in tune with consumer behaviors and preferences, favoring subtlety and relevance over intrusive traditional advertising methods.

The move towards native advertising reflects a strategic alignment with evolving digital consumption patterns, emphasizing the value of integrating advertising content seamlessly into the user experience.


Native advertising is becoming a big deal in online ads, blending in smoothly with what people are already looking at online.

Businesses are getting behind this style of ads because they fit so well with how people browse the web and what they like to see.

These ads are not just about selling; they’re about creating a real connection with the audience through stories and content that matter to them.

The shift towards native ads shows businesses are keen on ads that match the viewer's habits and offer genuine value, rather than interrupting their online experience.

It’s a smart move for any business looking to make a real impact and build trust with their audience.

Jump on board with Jubna and make the most of what native advertising can do for your brand.

Start shaping your strategy today to build stronger connections and achieve better results.

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