Cómo Jubna ofrece oportunidades comerciales a los editores nigerianos

Since the fourth quarter of 2021 more publishers in Africa’s biggest economy have been taking advantage of highly engaging native format ads on their pages that match users’ interests and translate to more revenue for them.

Consistent performance shows that native ads work better than traditional ads when served in the right way.

Among the leading providers of native ads in Africa is Jubna, which helps dozens of Tier 1 publishers generate more revenue by connecting them with brands and performance advertisers looking to advertise different products and services through simple code integration.

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Nigeria represents a huge growth opportunity for Jubna and it’s why the Dubai-based native ad network is taking steps to cement its footprint in the country and the African region.
Jubna’s main guiding principle is that users prefer to see ads that don’t disrupt their online reading experience and that match their interests. Its unique native ad formats have helped guide different online readers’ experiences in ways that have helped relevant advertisers achieve results.

Speaking on how Jubna’s has been providing opportunities for Nigerian publishers, Basel Sayaf, the chief executive of Jubna, said, “After taking the lead in MENA, Jubna now brings its 8 years of Ad-tech experience to the African region and we are committed to providing leading web publishers in Africa with new monetization solutions, connecting them with hundreds of advertisers from around the world through our simple and intuitive platform.”

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